Energy Code-You Decide
- 1 core for contractor & Plumbers
- 1 Prof. Electrician
Class time: 1 hour
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Course overview
In this course, you will learn what some of the current energy codes are, what has recently been adopted, and what changes are being projected for the future. A primary focus is placed on whether or not all-electric homes are the best option, how renewable energy works for gas distribution to homes, and do airtight homes make better homes. With the facts laid out, you decide what you believe is the best option and respond to a survey at the end of the class. These statistics will be used to present to lawmakers as a representation of the building community as they move forward with the code adoption process.
Ross Ford
Ross Ford, the Executive Vice President of the Utah Home Builders Association has been a builder for 34 years with first hand experience navigating the ever increasing codes and regulations. As the EVP of the Utah Home Builders Association, he continually researches how upcoming and existing codes affect the price of housing and whether it is necessary for the safety of a home. As a part time professor at Utah Valley University, upcoming technology, to improve homes, is always on the for front of his teaching.